Yes, I know it’s the middle of summer and pumpkin pies are an Autumn thing. But cold creamy smoothies are a thing of any season, and today I happened to have a can of pumpkin puree and two young ladies who say they love, love, love pumpkin pie, so …

If you can find canned pumpkin puree in your local market, don’t wait til cold weather to make this smoothie. It’s UNbelievably delicious. Really. If it’s fall or winter by the time you get around to making this smoothie, all the better — pumpkin is easier to find in stores.
Okeedokee, Ema helped me tweak this recipe til it tasted just perfect. (though I admit I will probably change things every time I make it and you should too — tweak to your heart’s delight! I included some suggestions for tweakiness after the recipe)

Pumpkin Pie Perfection
makes 3 very large servings (about 12 to 14 oz each)
- 1 cup Pumpkin Pie Filling/Puree
- 1 frozen banana
- 2 cups unsweetened Coconut Milk (more If needed)
- 1 cup frozen coconut milk ice cubes (about 8 cubes)
- 1/2 tsp or more pumpkin pie spice — to taste
- 1 heaping teaspoon vanilla
- Cinnamon Graham Crackers, Crushed
- 2 T real maple syrup
PREPARATION: Toss everything in a blender, blend until smooth, and pour. Garnish with crumbled cinnamon graham crackers (you can also serve with a cinnamon graham for crunchy dippingness.) It tastes like you are drinking a yummy slice of pumpkin pie. Enjoy!

Tweak Suggestions:
- Add 1/4 cup or more of toasted pecans. Got this idea because pecan pie and pumpkin pie are often served together at our American Thanksgiving feasts. Yummmm! You could also substitute chopped toasted pecans for the graham cracker garnish, which would make this much more Nutritarian.
- If you are avoiding all sweeteners, leave out the maple syrup.
- Add a handful of kale for extra healthy goodness, and bump up the spices to make sure the kale doesn’t taste too kaley (it would be a stretch to make a pumpkin pie with kale … just sayin.)
- Substitute frozen apple juice cubes for the frozen coconut milk cubes, for a little extra zing and sweetness.
- For adults only: add some rum. Yummmm!