Saturday Smoothies: Late Summer Peach Smoothie

peach smoothie

The end of summer is coming … doom doom duh doom …


Yes, summer is coming to a close in less than two weeks, officially. But it’s really not doom. As much as I love summertime, autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the cooler days and night. The air feels crisper and it’s definitely clearer without all the wildfires.

Anyway, here is a celebration of August/September fruit — a Late Summer Peach Smoothie. Don’t delay making this one! Peaches are one of those fruits that you either buy when they are in season (and smell like heaven at the produce stands) or you wait a whole ‘nother year. Do not buy peaches any other time of year! (unless, of course, you live in the southern hemisphere. That means you, Meg. And you, Naomi.)  If you do succumb to the temptation to buy a pitiful peach any other month than August or September, as soon as you bite into it, you will discover you paid dearly for a three-dimensional piece of cardboard.

Vintage WPA Poster - Fruit Stand

So, if you don’t have peaches sitting on your kitchen table right now driving you crazy with their incredible fragrance, run out to your local farmers market or produce stand and buy some. Just do it. You know you want to. Then, with at least two of those glorious globes, make this smoothie. And. Smile.

Late Summer Peach Smoothie

Makes two large smoothies, enough for an entire breakfast or lunch


  • 2 large peaches, unpeeled (I used white fleshed because that’s what smelled good at the market this week. See? I’m really into smells.)
  • 3 small satsuma mandarins (or a scoop of frozen orange juice concentrate)
  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 2 thick slices lemon, peel and all
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk


  1. Put everything into a blender together and zap it with the pulsing action til it’s smooth. You can blend on high for a bit longer to really blend up the peach skins and lemon, if you want.
  2. Taste and adjust according to how sweet you like it. Some people like their smoothies a little sweeter. Add maple syrup, agave nectar, honey or stevia if you want.
  3. Optional add-ins: toasted coconut flakes, raw almonds, fresh raspberries, frozen banana … pretty much anything that will compliment the awesomely delicious peach flavors!

peach smoothie