Calendars for 2008: January, February and March

I have no idea where the last six months of 2007 and the first little bit of 2008 have gone! I must have had a major brain-bonk. I have completely forgotten to post my monthly calendars since July 2007. Oh well. Please forgive me, o dear readers. :o}

In the meantime, here are the first three 2008 calendars.

Please feel free to print these calendars for your own use — I publish these downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to my readers, for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.


To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″ — if you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.

Printing Tip: set your printer to the highest quality print setting and use a heavier weight paper, preferably matte-coated, to get the best quality prints.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.

Check back monthly for the latest calendars. And if you would like to see a large version of the original photo I used for February’s calendar, Believe More than you Can See. click on it’s title.

Stay warm!

June Calendar

Welp, it’s that time of month … guess I’m a bit early this month, but wanted to get out the June calendar because it’s the month my family (my mother and siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews) are having our 2007 Family Reunion and there is lots of planning still left to do.

Sooooo…. please feel free to print the calendars for your own use — I publish downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to my readers, for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.

To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″ — if you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.

Printing Tip: set your printer to the highest quality print setting and use a heavier weight paper, preferably matte-coated, to get the best quality prints.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.

Check back monthly for the latest calendars. To see a large version of just the original photo I used for June’s calendar, click hereor see the photo on my flickr page

May Calendar: Garden Time

May Calendar
I am late posting my April calendar and a wee bit early with the May calendar. Oops!

Please feel free to print these calendars for your own use — I publish these downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to my readers, for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.

To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″ — if you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.

Printing Tip: set your printer to the highest quality print setting and use a heavier weight paper, preferably matte-coated, to get the best quality prints.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.

Check back monthly for the latest calendars. To see a large version of just the original photo I used for May’s calendar, click hereor see the photo on my flickr page

March Calendar: Dualities – Contemplation or Play

Welp, it’s time once again, my dear blog visitors, to publish my monthly calendar gift for you. Here are two March 2007 calendars for you to chose from.

This first calendar is full of exuberance, joie de vivre … the kind of outdoor fun that’s possible if you live in a place that has true seasons! Montanans don’t stay cooped up in their cabins all winter, that’s for sure.

Though I took both of these photos in February, I figure they’ll do for March images because, well, Montana still has winter. And snow. And ice. And cold in March. After all, these are Montana calendars! ;-D

I’m including the second calendar as a counterpoint to the first one of the sled dogs and musher — the rowdy one. This one has a peaceful, contemplative feel … maybe you are more into the curl up with a good book, quiet kind of March activities.


Please feel free to print these calendars for your own use — I publish these downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to my readers, for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.

To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″ — if you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.


Printing Tip: set your printer to the highest quality print setting and use a heavier weight paper, preferably matte-coated, to get the best quality prints.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.

Check back monthly for the latest calendars. To see a large version of the original photos I used for March’s calendar:
Sheer Joy and Exuberance
Day’s End

Stay warm!

Calendar for December

Hi everybody:
this month I am ahead by a couple of days with my calendar. Please feel free to download and print this calendar — I publish these downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to you for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.

To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″. If you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.


November Calendar

Hi friends and family, I haven’t posted calendars for the last couple of months, but I’ll try to be more regular about it starting right now. So here, again, is my (almost) monthly offering to readers of my blog, this calendar which you are welcome to download, print, use for personal (not commercial) purposes.

Click on the photo for a larger version. It looks best printed out at 8″x10″ size on heavy weight matte photo paper, but any paper will do.

I’m always curious if anyone is actually using these calendars, so if you do, please leave me a comment. (that’s optional as always, though.) Enjoy! 

Calendar for October: happy birthday to my mom

even though i didn’t write this poem, it conveys what i feel in my heart:

there are times in life when one does the right thing
the thing one will not regret,
when the child wakes crying “mama,” late
as you are about to close your book and sleep
and she will not be comforted back to her crib,
she points you out of her room, into yours,
you tell her, “I was just reading here in bed,”
she says, “read a book,” you explain it’s not a children’s book
but you sit with her anyway, she lays her head on your breast,
one-handed, you hold your small book, silently read,
resting it on the bed to turn pages
and she, thumb in mouth, closes her eyes, drifts,
not asleep — when you look down at her, her lids open,
and once you try to carry her back
but she cries, so you return to your bed again and book,
and the way a warmer air will replace a cooler with a slight
shift of wind, or swimming, entering a mild current, you
enter this pleasure, the quiet book, your daughter in your lap,
an articulate person now, able to converse, yet still
her cry is for you, her comfort in you,
it is your breast she lays her head upon,
you are lovers, asking nothing but this bodily presence.
She hovers between sleep, you read your book,
you give yourself this hour, sweet and quiet beyond flowers
beyond lilies of the valley and lilacs even, the smell of her breath,
the warm damp between her head and your breast. Past midnight
she blinks her eyes, wiggles toward a familiar position,
utters one word, “sleeping.” You carry her swiftly into her crib,
cover her, close the door halfway, and it is this sense of rightness,
that something has been healed, something
you will never know, will never have to know.

by Ellen Bass, 1985 from Our Stunning Harvest