The Helena Farmers Market is a hoppin’ place in August when the harvest is rich and our days are warm. People bring their shopping bags and market baskets, their strollers and dogs, and their dollar bills to give to our entertaining street musicians. Today was a special market day because the Lake Helena Watershed Festival was also going on at Women’s Park adjacent to the market, lending an extra excitement. (There was a bounce house, live music, face painting, science learning activities for all ages, wetlands & xeriscape booths, and an ice cream aquifer)
Here is a gallery of shots I took this morning. Hope you find it almost as entertaining as being there.
I’ve kept a separate notebook or journal for my garden for years. Off and on. I’m not as disciplined as I’d like to be about keeping track of what is planted where; which plants are blooming when; what I’ve spent on the garden … or where I bought my materials, pots, and other stuff.
Sometimes my garden journal is just a few pages in my regular sketchbook or journal. For the last few years, I’ve used a smallish 3-ring binder pages I have customized and punched to fit. I use different kinds of paper depending on what I’m recording on it: graph paper for recording my veggie plots and for sketching ideas for construction projects. Heavy sketch paper for botanical and nature sketches and for just doodling ideas. Vellum envelopes with holes punched in them, for keeping plant labels and other odds and ends (receipts, etc)… plastic sleeves with 3-holes, these are handy for seed packets, photos, loose seeds, etc.
I have my journal divided into sections with pocketed dividers – the pockets come in handy for keeping loose stuff. If you make your own journal, you can make sections to fit the kind of information you want to keep about your garden. Here are some ideas for record-keeping and inspiration:
a plan view of the garden, drawn on plain or graph paper: this is not only to remember the layout of your plant beds and locations of special plants — but also to help you imagine improvements you might want to make
weather records for our city and growing zone: first and last frost dates, rainfall, snowfall, and extreme events such as hail storms (which always seem to hit us hardest the week after we have set out our basil and tomato seedlings!)
seed packets and plant labels: if you have a sheet for each plant, you can keep the packets in envelopes taped to the back of the sheets. Otherwise, a separate section for seed packets and plant labels is a good idea. I like to keep track of the nurseries where I bought potted plants
photos and/or sketches to document what’s growing throughout the year. I pair the photos with sheets on the individual plants. I also have a section for just beautiful photos of my garden
garden tasks: wish I were organized enough to write down the dates I did (or should have done) certain tasks like weeding, planting and pruning. It would help with planning
wish list: this is a fat section for me — there is always something I’d like to buy or make myself: wind chimes, plants, compost, a teak recliner, porch swing … or hardscape improvements I want: a deck, french doors, a little patio … dream on. Writing these things down or keeping clippings and photos helps me remember and prioritize. I had a garden pond on the wish list for years. A few years ago, my son, Mickey helped me make it a reality. So it works!
clipped or photocopied articles, reference stuff from books and gardening handouts. This is a good place to keep reference materials from garden lectures or how-to courses, or instructions for making things for your garden
use the journal to keep pressed leaves and flowers from your garden.
Instead of pressing the plant parts, if you’re feeling creative, make sunprints using light-sensitive print paper.
I keep a running list of wildlife I’ve seen in our garden, which is a certified wildlife habitat garden now
quotes about gardening and my thoughts inspired by connecting with my garden
ideas for cooking from the garden and recipes for salsa, pesto, quiche…
I try to keep track of how much I spend in the garden. It’s always more than I thought! Sometimes I don’t keep the receipts, I just write the costs down kind of haphazardly
some links:
lots more information about materials you’ll need and how to get started –they even have some templates you can download for plant record-sheets
Journaling Life has some good links to resources, along with ideas for what to keep in your garden journal. Thank you to Denise, Leslie, Gayla, Lisa and BitterBetty
for allowing the use of their garden notebooks in this post.
Please click on the photos to find links to their photo pages.
I have worked with my son, Gabe and his best friend Jack, on spring garden cleanup for some of my design clients. I love hanging out in these gardens! For me, that is one way I know I have succeeded in a garden design. Another sign of a successful design is that my clients are happy in and with their own gardens, even years after the first installation.
The almost life-size Buddha (above) rests among the “ten thousand things” in a Contemplative Garden we have installed over the last two summers. “Ten thousand things” is a Buddhist expression representing the interconnection and simultaneous unity and diversity of everything in the universe.
Each one of us is here for a reason and the world would be incomplete without us.
In the Huichol spiritual tradition my husband and I follow, there is a similar concept, that each of us has all of creation inside our hearts:
“Huichols say we are all joyous beings of light. We were created out of love, from all the elements of the natural world — fire, air, water, and earth. Because of this, each of us is a miniature universe, a mirror of the natural world outside of ourselves, and also a mirror of the spirit world. All the knowledge and secrets of those two worlds are also inside of us, and everything is perfectly arranged. Our job is to tap into that arrangement, to understand it and to live in harmony with it.” — Brant Secunda, Huichol Shaman and Healer
If we strive to deeply understand and perceive our world as inseparable from ourselves, then we will have empathy for every part of creation. We are an integral part of everything. Every one of the ten thousand things is, in the true sense, part of us. And everything is perfectly arranged!
This — whether we paint, draw, sing, pray, dance, cook,write code or write poetry — this empathy makes every one of us an artist and a spiritual being.
So, today, go out into a “Garden,” no matter where it is and see your connection to nature as a work of art and as an act of prayer: in a wildlife refuge, in your back yard, on your balcony, in a city park, in a plant nursery or just in a clay pot on your kitchen windowsill.
Find your connection with nature: watch the unfolding of leaf buds and see not just a “plant” but also freedom, flight, wings, wind, the lightness of a heart. Can you see your own life in the artistry of the natural sculpture in the photo below?