June Calendar

Welp, it’s that time of month … guess I’m a bit early this month, but wanted to get out the June calendar because it’s the month my family (my mother and siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews) are having our 2007 Family Reunion and there is lots of planning still left to do.

Sooooo…. please feel free to print the calendars for your own use — I publish downloadable calendars monthly as a gift of appreciation to my readers, for sharing your lives with me through your writings and photos and comments on my blogs.

To download, click anywhere on the calendar and you should get a new window with the image. Click on the photo again in that new window to go to the large version of the calendar. Right-click to download the calendar. It should print out 8.5″ x 11″ — if you have a printer that requires a margin, please print this slightly reduced to fit on a standard letter-size paper.

Printing Tip: set your printer to the highest quality print setting and use a heavier weight paper, preferably matte-coated, to get the best quality prints.

I hope you enjoy the monthly calendars, and please let me know if you have any problems downloading I can send them to you by email attachment.

Check back monthly for the latest calendars. To see a large version of just the original photo I used for June’s calendar, click hereor see the photo on my flickr page

6 Replies to “June Calendar”

  1. Not a pithy thought, but I used one of your pictures on my blog without your permission…I thought you were gone. If it is not ok I will take it right off. In any case, you are still the BEST.

  2. uh-oh, Pepek … now you have me worried that I am keeping potential commenters away because of my quirky customization of the “comments” thingie. Pithy thoughts …. I was just being silly. so of course, your comment is a pithy thought. heheh. Thanks for posting my collage on your blog. I love that you like my work so much. I am flattered and thank you very much. 😀

  3. btw you can use any of my photos any time — you’re a friend and I really don’t mind. [grin]

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